Sunday, October 7, 2012

Book review of Little Bee by Chris Cleave

LITTLE BEE by Chris Cleave

BACK COVER SYNOPSIS: "British couple Andrew and Sarah O'Rourke, vacationing on a Nigerian beach in a last-ditch effort to save their faltering marriage, come across Little Bee and her sister, Nigerian refugees fleeing from machete-wielding soldiers intent on clearing the beach. Two years later, Little Bee appears in London on the day of Andrew's funeral and reconnects with Sarah. The tenuous friendship between Sarah and Little Bee that grows is challenged and ultimately endures is the heart of this emotional, tense and often hilarious novel."

MY REVIEW:  I don't know why I initially chose this book because the synopsis looked a little gruesome, but I am so glad I did choose Little Bee. From the very beginning I was swept away by the strength of Little Bee and Sarah. They live worlds apart in every way and as they become bound together by a horrific event they somehow learn to forgive the men who have touch their lives and look forward to a future that neither woman thinks she has.

Little Bee is filled with such warmth and understanding that I hated to see the book end. I will be contacting the author in the hope that he will continue this story so I can see how Little Bee and Sarah go on. These characters were so real to me that I feel I will never stop thinking and wondering what has become of them.

I am giving this book 5 out of 5.

Please let me know your thoughts after reading this book.

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