Monday, September 10, 2012

Book Review of ENEMY WOMEN by Paulette Jiles

ENEMY WOMEN by Paulette Jiles

"For the Colleys of southeastern Missouri, the War between the States is a plague that threatens devastation, despite the family's avowed neutrality. For eighteen-year-old Adair Colley, it is a nightmare that tears apart her family and forces her and her sisters to flee.

The treachery of a fellow traveler, however, brings about her arrest, and she is caged with the criminal and deranged in a filthy women's prison. But young Adair finds that love can live even in a place of horror and despair. Her interrogator, a Union major, falls in love with her and vows to return for her when the fighting is over. Before he leaves for battle, he bestows upon her a precious gift: freedom."

While the story line of this book appears to be sad and disturbing, it really is a story of just how strong the human spirit can be when faced with extremely difficult times. The main character, Adair Colley, is a young woman who grows up fast and learns that she needs  to use everything she has learned in her brief eighteen years to not only survive, but to really live.

I am giving this book a 3.5 out of 5 bookmarks. 

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