Friday, September 14, 2012

Book Review of The Snowman by Jo Nesbo


"Oslo in November. The first snow of the season has fallen. A boy named Jonas wakes in the night to find his mother gone. Out his window, in the cold moonlight, he sees the snowman that inexplicably appeared in the yard earlier in the day. Around its neck is his mother's pink scarf."

If you love thrillers then you will love this book. Every time I thought I knew how it would end, the author threw another curve snowball. I had never read anything by Jo Nesbo and was happy to learn that The Snowman is the 7th of his Harry Hole detective series. If you are squeamish about sex and murder scenes then this book isn't for you. Jo Nesbo has an excellent way of describing the pleasures humans seek at both ends of the spectrum. I'm giving this 4.5 out of 5 snowmen.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Book Review of ENEMY WOMEN by Paulette Jiles

ENEMY WOMEN by Paulette Jiles

"For the Colleys of southeastern Missouri, the War between the States is a plague that threatens devastation, despite the family's avowed neutrality. For eighteen-year-old Adair Colley, it is a nightmare that tears apart her family and forces her and her sisters to flee.

The treachery of a fellow traveler, however, brings about her arrest, and she is caged with the criminal and deranged in a filthy women's prison. But young Adair finds that love can live even in a place of horror and despair. Her interrogator, a Union major, falls in love with her and vows to return for her when the fighting is over. Before he leaves for battle, he bestows upon her a precious gift: freedom."

While the story line of this book appears to be sad and disturbing, it really is a story of just how strong the human spirit can be when faced with extremely difficult times. The main character, Adair Colley, is a young woman who grows up fast and learns that she needs  to use everything she has learned in her brief eighteen years to not only survive, but to really live.

I am giving this book a 3.5 out of 5 bookmarks.